Friday, 7 March 2014

girly catch ups

Its always nice to catch up with this chickie. Im gonna miss you.
Sometimes all we need is food to bring us together and yes we like to eat a lot.
since she always let me choose, somehow Im always choosing asian and tonight it's JAPANESE !!! 

location: IS DONBURI - Northbridge Perth WA

agadashi tofu

I just love how those lil flaky bits moves an wave around.

left:Dynamite Prawn Roll - right: Dancing Crab Roll
left: Prawn Katsu with a chilli mango mayo and jalapeno
right: Soft shell crab with avocado mango and crispy sweet potato and balsamic dressing

Chui lin ;)
Sorry didnt really get a shot of the Takoyaki balls (octopus) as we were hungry.


3 more months until Winter time is here

A lot has happened this past year, good and bad but mostly bad, people are faced with hurdles in life and it is a decision we must make whether to go around, under or over them. With out the support of family and friends this probably would turn out to be a different story, so lets hope 2014 is a better year ahead.

I choose this year to relax step back and try look through life in a different perspective, as one said i am too naive in life and always take things for granted....
maybe Im right and maybe Im wrong but i give this thought a year to show its colours to me.

and this is the time where it is too cold, too wet, cant be bothered and just too damn blugh to go out , so usually this is the time to talk  to friends, stay home, snuggle cuddle and keep warm of a nice cup of coffee, tea or cocoa and sit back watch movies or just chill and reminisce of thoughts, events, stages and the next chapter in life. time to think about the past, present and future,

A beginners life in crochet 2014

I start 2014 by finally achieving my long term goal, to crochet - taught by countless re-winds and slow motions of youtube to finally get the hang of things,...heres some pics -